23 Sep

Bespoke iPad Holders for your Venue

In keeping with the fast growing world of technology, many restaurants and venues now consider iPads as part of their everyday business. Whether to register hotel guests, make payments or to showcase food and drink menus, these gadgets have exploded on to the hospitality scene.

Wrap technology with tradition and add a touch of individuality to your iPad with our personalised iPad holders. These handmade covers can not only protect your expensive gadgets, they can also harmonise with your venue’s colour scheme and any other existing menu covers.

When using an expensive product in a quick paced restaurant full of potential accidents - drinks spillages, dirty hands and even dust - covers are essential to protect your product from potential damage. With its protective cover and elasticated fixing, our iPad covers can help absorb impact and offer extra protection from any potential tumbles and breakages.

Available in an array of materials and colours, you can choose between hot foil and blocking for your artwork preferences. Like our menu covers, whether you would prefer your logo as the main focus, or your venues name, we can put almost anything on your cover. And from Leather to Book Cloth, we can aim to use your preferred material choice.

Furthermore, with the ever changing shapes and sizes of iPads, we can cater for your large or mini iPads. A good sturdy iPad cover is worth the investment to provide protection from all sorts and avoid irreversible and costly damage.

SceneiPad2 534x534 blue ipad cover buckram 534x534 

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