At The Smart Marketing Group the main environmental impacts arise from paper use, electricity, some water use, print equipment, cleaning chemicals, printing inks and printing toner useage.
The Smart Marketing & Media Group Limited, and its staff, seek to minimise the impact to the environment as a result of undertaking day-to-day duties. In order to achieve this objective, we commit to:
- Minimising waste production;
- Re-using materials such as packaging materials, wherever possible;
- Recycling materials wherever possible, including paper, cardboard, waste ink, ink vessels, and electronic equipment;
- Source environmentally aware suppliers, in particular paper products sourced from sustainable forestry;
- Using energy suppliers who obtain energy from renewable sources;
- Specifically commit to reducing energy usage in the offices by switching off electrical and IT equipment when not in use;
- Communicate electronically wherever possible, using paper and other hard media only where necessary;
- Minimise travel by undertaking meetings by telephone where possible;
- Communicate and educate employees of the content of this environmental policy
- Continual monitoring of methods used and identifying new methods with less environmental impact; and
- Prevent pollution by using appropriate waste disposal routes.
This Environmental Policy will be annually updated and will be made available to all interested parties.
Date: January 2011
The Smart Marketing & Media Group Limited are registered on the Green Achievers Scheme for business.
Useful Information: Environment Agency -