Choose a Standard Image Plate below
Standard Plate 1
Standard Plate 2
Standard Plate 3
Standard Plate 4
Standard Plate 5
Standard Plate 6
Standard Plate 7
Standard Plate 8
Standard Plate 9
Whilst we have been offering free standard font foiling for a number of years, these contemporary plates have been developed with our customers in mind, using simple imagery to personalise your menu covers, wine list covers and cocktail menus.
Your menu cover design requires thought and time, which is exactly why we have made these standard blocks so that this option is open to all our customers.
If you use one of these plates with a free standard font that reads your name then you can still achieve something really personable for no additional cost at all.
It is important to remember that when you purchase menu covers, you are also creating those all important finishing touches to your venue that are proven to change customer perceptions of your quality: a quality menu preconceives a quality dining experience.
Our artwork plates can used free of charge in the following methods:
- Silver foil
- Gold foil
- Coloured foil (available upon request)
- Embossing
- Etching/engraving