12 Apr

Using wine list covers to create and present your wine menu

Allow your customers to peruse your dreamy drinks with our wine list covers. Our specialist team can advise you on what materials, colours and artwork will compliment your venues design to create the maximum effect. Attention to detail is key, particularly in today’s competitive food industry. From simple and rustic to chic and extravagant, we can help you to create suitable covers to appropriately up sell your wines.

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Enlighten your guests on their wine knowledge with an informative wine list, giving them the confidence to choose wines that match their preferences. By including country, region, tasting notes and year of production, your wine list can prove useful to your indecisive guests who might want to know more about your wines before they decide. The more information you feature on your wine lists, the more chance your customers will choose more adventurous wines with dearer price tags.

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Furthermore, where in-house sommeliers are not present, your wine sales can benefit from informative menus which help customers feel more assured in their decisions. In venues housing sommeliers, wine lists can help the customer narrow down their selection before the often busy advisor aids diners with their final decision.

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So, to maximise your profits and intrigue your guests with an enticing list of top quality beverages, the use of bespoke wine lists and their content can arguably be labelled imperative.

For more information on our Wine List Covers, please contact us on 0845 226 02 66 or email us at JLIB_HTML_CLOAKING 

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